MeterPan GmbH is a merger of IVU, DZG, DNMG and SWN and at the same time stands as an organisation and brand for a completely new concept in the landscape of smart meter solutions. MeterPan focuses not only on technology, but also on a commercial strategy.
The coordinated competencies of all MeterPan partners, the innovative concept and the metering systems already successfully operated represent a new size on the market.
MeterPan offers its customers a mature and functioning solution that simplifies their investment decision. With its central and dynamic tariff system, MeterPan today already meets many of tomorrow's requirements and opens up new possibilities for innovative sales products.
Deutsche Zählergesellschaft Oranienburg mbH holds a 25 percent share in MeterPan.
Deutsche Netzmarketing GmbH has been the largest marketing organization for cable television network operators in the German-speaking region for more than 15 years, with more than 170 affiliated cable network operators. Numerous broadcasters and media services are already using DNMG's services for range development and central billing.
This gives them bundled access to well over six million cable households. In Germany, more than half of television households receive their TV programmes via broadband cable networks. The offering is increasingly being supplemented by other multimedia services, in particular broadband internet and telephony.
IVU Informationssysteme GmbH specialises in the further development and implementation of future-proof IT systems for energy and water utilities and public administrations.
Its customers include primarily small and medium-sized public utility companies, but also utilities associations, cities, municipalities and administrative communities.
The range of services also include comprehensive consulting, support and services. IVU has been operating its own data processing centre since 2005 and offers its customers a modular IT outsourcing concept.
Stadtwerke Norderstedt is a municipal company that operates independently of external shareholders on the market. With a broad-based infrastructure for supply, telecommunications, leisure and transport, Stadtwerke Norderstedt generates a high level of quality of life for the region.
More than 350 employees supply the people living in Norderstedt not only with electricity, gas, water and district heating, but also with telephony, Internet and cable TV via GmbH's own fibre-optic network.